Articles on: GoingBus

[GoingBus] How to Get a Promo Code 9-8

Dear Friend, How Have You Been?

Hello, my friend! We are the GoingBus team, and we have a small favor to ask. If you’re happy with our service, could you kindly leave us a 5-star review on Trustpilot? Your feedback is extremely important to us! If there are areas you think we can improve, please feel free to share them with us via email or online chat. We are committed to getting better and better!

And of course, we’re not asking this without offering something in return. If you leave us a 5-star review, simply share a screenshot with our customer service team, and we’ll offer you an amazing discount code or product experience!

We hope this request doesn’t inconvenience you.

Your Old Friends,

The GoingBus Team

Updated on: 23/08/2024

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